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How To Cure Leg Pain or Leg Cramps


Leg cramps, sometimes called "Charley horses,"are a common ailment, especially for pregnant women, the elderly, and people who engage in sports. A sudden contraction, usually of the calf muscles, causes sharp pain that can last anywhere from a few seconds to 10 minutes. while leg cramps can be prevented, you can relieve an acute leg cramps.

Method 1: Leg cramp Relief

1- Flex your toes upward as soon as you get a leg cramp:
A normal sleeping position with your knees slightly bent and your toes pointing down shortens the calf muscles, making them prone to contraction.

> Untuck the bed covers at the end of your bed, to allow your toes room to flex.
> Flex and point your toes, holding each position for about 2 seconds. Repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2- Get out of bed and walk around, if you are able to:
This expansion and contraction of the muscles can massage the calf muscle and increase circulation to the muscles. Poor circulation denies oxygen to the muscles, which can cause cramping.

3- Stretch your muscles with the following exercises, while standinding near a wall for balance:

> Place yourcramped leg behind your normal leg, with about a foot in between them. Bend the knee on your front, normal leg. this will cause the cramped calf to stretch forward.

4- Sit with your cramped leg crossed over your other and massage the muscle gently:

5- Apply a warm towel to the area, if the cramp persists:
This warm compress will help increase circulation to the muscle.

6- Take a warm shower, if thecramps is still there after 5 or more minutes:
This will  allow the flexion of muscles and heat to cascade over themuscle.

7- Drink 8 to 16 OZ:
1/4 to 1/2L of water immediately after cramp. Dehydration is 1 of the main causes of leg cramping, in both athletic and non athletic people.
This is the method for Cure leg cramp or Leg pain If you know another method comment below thanx for reading.

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