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How to Cure Neck Pain


Have you ever had a really sore neck that seemed almost impossible to get rid of? if you have, this article is for you!! Sore necks can be caused by variety of things, including uncomfortable sleeping positions, injures, and ergonically lacking workstations.

Method 1: Treatments For sore neck

1- Exercise the muscles slowly:
Slowly rotate your neck in a circular motion to help stretch out the agitated muscles. This may be somewhat uncomfortable at first, but it ultimately helps to alleviate the pain.

> Move your neck slowly back and forth.stop the movement if and when you begin to feel any pain. your range motion shouldimprove the more you flex your neck back and forth.

> Moveyour neck from side. stop the movement if and when you begin to feel any pain. As in the first exercise, your range of motion should improve the more you flex your neck.

2-Take over the counter drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen::
These drugs should help relieve pain in the neck. Do not, however, giveasprin to children below the age of 18, as asprin in children has been linked to REYE'S SYNDROME, WHICH CAUSE SEVERE SWELLING OF THE BRAIN.

3-Take a shower::
Let the lukewarn to hot warm run over your neck for atleast four or five minutes. keep your neck straight as you do this, and do not turn it.

4- Soak with bath salts::
Bath salts can help improve circulation,relieve muscletension, and reduce stress. Experiment with different bath salt additives for  added pain relief.

>Epsom salts maybe used in warm bath. Epsom salts are made of magnesium and sulfate, and offer a go-to remedy health ailments in addition to relaxing the mind. Magnesium helps regulate the activity of numerous enzymes, as well as raising serotonin levels in the brain.

5- Use a heating pad::
Apply a heating pad for a couple of minutes to help to estimate bloodflow in your neck.

6- Use an ice pack::
Apply an ice pack, or something from the freezer wrapped in a towel to the  affected area. Icewill dull the better than heat will.

7- Apply a balm to the sore neck::
Balmscome with manydifferent application; they can be herbal, analgestic(pain relief), or rubefacient (increase circulation). know which kind ofbalm you are using.

8- Get massage::
Consult with your doctor before getting a massage ifthe pain has been persistent for long period. Go get a massage at your local spa. Massages arecostly, but shop around for good service.

This is the method for relief from Neck pain If you know another method comment below Thanx for reading.

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