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How to cure Stomach Pain


When you feel a stomach pain coming on,it's hard to take your mind off of the pain and get on with your day. No matter what's causing the problem, you want it to go awayfast. if  yourstomach isbothering you try someof these steps to get some relief...

Method 1:: Treating Nausea::

1- Drink Pure Water:
With nausea often comes vomiting, and vomiting can causes dehydration. If your body is dehydrated, itwill take longer to heal and you will feel the effects of nauseastronger than usual. Drink 2-4 ounces of water every 15 minutes while you are awake to try and keep hydrated.

Try electolyte-supplemented sports drinks.These replenish the sodium and potashium in your body which it needs in order to fight illness.

> Drink peppermit, chamomile, or ginger tea with honey. these three herbs have shown to have a positive effect in reducing the feeling of nausea.

2-Eat bland foods::
Your body needs nutrients to keep its energy up as it tries to recover from your stomach pains,so provide it with easy-to-digest foods.Choose rice. Also try to avoid dairy based foods as these contain natural bacteria whichyour stomach might not agree with..

3-Try COLA syrup:::
Cola syrup is a thick liquid that tastes just like your favorite cola pop. The syrup has been used for many years to treat nausea, and can be taken plain or sipped over ice. Take 1-2 table spoons every few hours to help ease your nausea.

4-Take Baking soda::::
Although this is the primary ingredient in most antacids, you can take baking soda plain by dissolving a table spoon of it into a glass of warm water. Drink the water slowly, and repeat the process every few hours until your nausea goes away.

This is the way to reduce stomach pain if you know another method post in comments thanks

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